Are you in an INTERRACIAL relationship and planning to marry into the Punjabi Culture? Or have you already married into the culture and had your own Punjabi-Sikh Wedding?
Then be sure to submit the below form, as I would love to feature your story about your special day. In this series I will share with you stories of other's, who like myself, have married into the Punjabi Culture and celebrated their own Big Fat Punjabi-Sikh Wedding.
Let's share as many good news stories about those who have married into the Punjabi Culture. Your experiences will help others who are planning their Wedding Day and are completely overwhelmed by the culture shock.
Albeit your partner can explain the culture and traditions to you, though having grown up in the culture they don't always have the same perspective or potentially patience. I know my husband was short on patience when it came to my million and one questions when we lived in India with his family. Being a groom he also didn't have as much interest in the finer details as a bride typically would.
To share your story simply submit the below questionnaire with as much detail as possible. Be sure to send lots of beautiful photos with a minimum of at least eight if possible, however whatever you are able to is fine.
Try to submit as many different photos that cover the different aspects of your wedding such as the pre-wedding ceremonies and traditions, along with your wedding day, and of course your beautiful outfits. Since photos will be quite large files, email them to the address provided below.
Thanks for taking the time, I look forward to sharing your story!