There are many articles to be found online that endorse making the move to India as they have been spiritually awakened with a new lease on life - it's invigorated their sense of self. I love reading these stories about others like myself who have left their career to take a leap of faith and find their inner self in India. I was previously uninspired and unmotivated living a mundane existence of 9 to 5 in a career where I wasn't recognised. I had suffered another depressive episode and after much deliberation resigned and took a career break. Who would have thought managing Bipolar was so difficult? Turns out life does have plans for you, as this was when I met my partner and soon after accompanied him to India.
India is a beguiling country with its aromatic foods, exquisite artisans, charismatic people, intricate architecture, and meaningful traditions. As with any country with any positive aspect comes a negative, it is all about your perception of the experience. These negatives have all been opportunities of growth whilst the positives have been nurturing - essentially it has reinvigorated my passion for life once again. Writing about my life in India has been inspiring, the words materialise onto the screen before me. It has been an opportunity to encourage others to either question or reinforce their instilled beliefs.
The Indian way of life has both its ups and downs, you learn to take these in your stride. As I have previously discussed in my post about the 10 Things I have Learnt Living In Punjab. It is the people that I surround myself with that have nurtured my growth with their constant unconditional love. They have embraced me no matter my faith or background, welcoming me with their arms wide open. This only reinforces the openness of the Sikh Faith. Many live simple lives favouring the importance of relationships, both with family & friends and spiritually with faith, over material possessions. Many of us forget that the simple things in life are what the meaning of life is all about. Becoming all too consumed with accumulating wealth and using this as a way of quantifying their success in life. This quote by the Dalai Lama sums it up perfectly:
"Man sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. Then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future. Rather he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived."
There is always time to take a break with a cup of tea whilst enjoying the company of your friends and family - to enjoy the finer things in life. Although with that said when people aren't drinking tea they are working hard. My mother in law manages to keep a home clean and tidy, feed a family of five for breakfast, lunch and dinner, all whilst attending to the needs of the farm. They do all this and still manage to enjoy the company of others with a smile. They do not spend time dwelling on what they cannot change or what they do not have. They appreciate what others contribute to their life and take each experience as an opportunity to learn. It is this attitude that has made me fall in love with the Punjabi way of life and people.
India has given me hope, inspiration and a new lease on life - it has reinvigorated my passion. There are many adventures to come with many new opportunities to grow and more inspiring people to meet.