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Homemade Air Freshener

This recipe is super simple and leaves your house smelling fresh. Why would you buy expensive air fresheners from the supermarket when all you have to do is essentially make a jelly with your favourite essential oils. Keeping in mind if you're in the middle of Summer and its 40 degrees outside you will probably find that the gelatine becomes too soft. Since you aren't eating this just add more till you find the right consistency. Its best to use a jar with a removable lid so that its easily stored till you wish to use it. I found that The Reject Shop had the best array of jars and containers at a great price. This makes for a great gift with a recipe card printed out so that the receiver can reuse the jar and make a fresh batch! Do remember that this is a natural product and if left out for long periods of time will most likely grow mould. Especially if you live in a humid climate.

What you will need:

- 1 cup boiling hot water

- 1 tbsp salt

- 15g gelatine add more for the hotter months

- 100% Essential Oils

- Lemon Rind for decoration

1/ Pour your boiling hot water into your working bowl. Add your salt. Then sprinkle the gelatine mix bit by bit ensuring to stir as you go along to avoid any clumping.

2/ Once everything has dissolved add your choice of essential oils, adding as much as you desire. I used approximately 20 drops of lemongrass essential oil.

3/ Then it is as simple as transferring your mix into your chosen airtight container and placing into the fridge to set.

4/ When you are ready to use just undo the lid and place where ever you like.

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